But today I came to know that each unit we consume matters to the nation. How many of you shutdown their office system daily after work?
At least monitor?
At least on the weekend?
How many lights will be running at your home daily?
Are they the regular old kind of bulbs?
Do you switch of the TV with your remote and leave it or switch off the plug switch?
Because experts says that everything you leave above without switching off makes difference in some units and if every home take care of this it will become some kilo watt and mega watts.
So please consider these points.
But even I analyzed the points about the government’s end.
If we keep these small savings of electricity a side and try to figure out the big numbers, Because this has to begin with the government itself. I came to know that the 6% of electricity is getting wasted in the transmission because of using the cheap material and not fixing the problems immediately and many more facts like 8% of electricity is getting robbed by us I mean the proud Indian citizens by paying bribes to the officers. And there are many more things govt. has to take care. If we could save all this power and utilize properly we would really make difference and move ahead in the world.
Below is the pledge given by Bureau of Energy Efficiency
It has to be followed by every Indian.
Saving electricity is my national duty.
I shall try essentially to save electricity.
I shall always try to save electricity in my home and in the vicinity.
I shall switch off the electrical appliances when not needed.
I shall switch off the appliances wherever the electricity is consumed without reason.
I shall not utilize appliances like heater or oven that consume much electricity.
I shall use CFL, 14 W, 18 W Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) instead of 100 W, 200 W bulbs.
Thus today I pledge to carry out successfully the National Campaign of electricity.
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